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Latest from the Blog

Blended Learning

What is blended learning? March 2020 saw the arrival of COVID-19 that affected the entire world at large. During this pandemic learning had to continue and although many of our campuses or educators had never delivered an online lecture before, what had to be done had to be done. Hence we embraced online learning! It…

Collaborative Learning

What us Collaborative learning and what is Cooperative Learning? Often one can confuse the two, but believe me there are distinctive differences. What is Cooperative Learning?- A group of students work together on a structured activity, where the workload is split equally amongst the group members and each is responsible for their work. The group…


When this topic started, understanding of the topic was vague and unclear. How do you define open learning? Education is, first and foremost, an enterprise of sharing. In fact, sharing is the sole means by which education is effected. If an educator is not sharing what he or she knows with students, there is no…

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